So, your ads aren't converting, huh? (Don't make this mistake)

You’re running ads on social media, but people just aren’t showing interest. You're stuck wondering if your targeting is off, or maybe if your ad creative needs to be better. 

Chances are, you’re missing one glaring piece of what makes ads profitable on social media — knowing your target customer

I know I know, you’re probably saying in your head something like “but I know my target customers!! They are women between the ages of 26-42, usually moms, usually married.” 

If all you know about your target customers is basic demographic info, you’re missing out on a sh*tload of cash. 

And here’s why: 

We’re advertising to humans. 

Humans with goals, needs, struggles, pain points, histories, and dreams. 

The people we’re advertising to are far more than just simple demographics. 

Let’s pretend you’re selling a 12 week parenting program for moms. Notice the difference between these simple examples: 

  1. Women, ages 26-42, moms, married. 

  2. Moms of young children who are busy out of their minds, dancing with burnout, craving support and empathy, constantly prioritizing everything and everyone over themselves, drink 7 cups of coffee per day, maybe feeling unrecognized for their efforts and just want to hear someone say “I see you.” 

See the difference in number 2? It’s not merely about demographics; it’s about empathizing with lived experiences. 

Let’s go with a different example. 

Say you run a forestry and land clearing business. 

Notice the difference between these examples of target customers:

  1. Typically men, homeowners, landowners, 50-65.

  2. Men who have worked most of their life and invested their hard earned money into their land, which is extremely important to them to take care of and maintain. They don’t own the heavy machinery required to maintain their land, plus they don’t even have time for that between work, family, and life. If their land was orderly and put together, they would feel “on top of it,” get them time back, and have more mental space for other tasks. 

The reason this is beyond essential for really any marketing, but especially social media marketing, is that you aren’t selling the “thing,” you’re selling the transformation. 

Amazon doesn’t sell items. It sells convenience. 

Walmart doesn’t sell food and household items. It sells affordable. 

Starbucks doesn’t just sell coffee — they sell an aesthetic. 

If you’re a coach, you’re not selling a course or mentorship — you’re selling confidence, a happier/better life, better relationships with others or self, maybe you’re selling finally being able to take time off for vacation, a better marriage, a better divorce, a better life. 

If you’re a local service business in forestry, junk removal, carpet cleaning, you’re not just selling a service — you’re selling lifting mental load and getting time back, peace of mind, etc. 

Your messaging is THE MOST IMPORTANT part of your marketing. 

When you get it right, your target customer will look at your ad and run to grab their wallet because they KNOW that what you have for them. 

When you can articulate the struggles and goals of your target customer better than they can, you have an offer that will fly off the (metaphorical) shelves and give you the tools to craft marketing that will bring in new customers over and over like a well oiled machine. 

The takeaway? 

Make sure you know your target customer through and through. Go beyond the surface level. Position your offer as the solution or remedy to real life problems that real life people have.

Make sure you haven't forgotten the human element in your ads and landing page. This is exactly what will turn your messaging into cold hard cash.


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